One of the funnest podcasts I've ever been on as a guest, for sure! These guys sent ahead a small bottle of this excellent whiskey which we all sipped together during the interview. Nice!
And just to keep it interesting, my old tendonitis issue is rearing it's painful head. My go-to cure has been alternating ice soak/hot-as-possible soak. But if any of you string players or tennis-elbow sufferers out there have any suggestions, please reply to this with your miracle cures. I know the only real cure is non-use, but unfortunately rest is not an option for the next couple of weeks. I guess the theme for this week's edition is that there's a lot that goes on behind the scenes for performers that most people have no idea about.
Thanks, Strings Magazine!
Roberto Sierra "Ficciones" World Premiere
8pm Rose Theater, Jazz at Lincoln Center